Welcome to this blog, sorry its been a while
WE have a colour refresh coming at Stampin Up! So exciting – take a look at this short video.
The key thing is not to miss out if you want the retiring colours especially the re-inkers ?

We of course have 5 new In Colours coming too – I can’t wait to get my hands on these….

Which colour do you think could be your favourite? We have some exciting new colours coming too but for now…
RETIRING…. so going, going, going…. don’t miss out. I personally won’t miss Blushing Bride and love our new pink. I will miss Mint Macaron and So Saffron.

Shop now https://www.stampinup.uk?hostcode=A4NEN3PU
Marie xx
I am an independent Stampin Up! demonstrator in the UK and sell product via my online store www.messymcreations.stampinup.net
Please do get in touch if you would like a new catalogue
Connect with me https://linktr.ee/messymcreations
This months shopping code A4NEN3PU
Purchase your starter kit https://www.stampinup.uk/join?demoid=5035674
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